Don’t Buy a Real Estate Development Site Until You Have Done This!

“If you build it, they will come!”

So goes the popular movie saying, and if only it were that easy in the real estate development world! Sadly, many people think that it is this easy, but many of these have come to a sticky end with their development deals.

So if this approach doesn’t work, how should you approach real estate development deals to ensure you have the best chance of success?

One approach that I have used successfully is to take a “reverse engineering” approach. Continue reading “Don’t Buy a Real Estate Development Site Until You Have Done This!”

What Can “Wild West” Movies Can Teach Us About Real Estate Development?

Don’t be a Pioneer!

If you’ve ever watched a good old fashioned American Wild West movie, you will no doubt be familiar with the brave pioneers who set out across the vast interior of America in a bid to make their fortune or to find a bit of land to call their own. The movies are full of tales of struggle against all manner of difficulties and overcoming incredible adversity before (generally) finding success and a new life.

Whilst I admire these pioneers for their spirit of adventure, their strength and courage to overcome the difficulties they face, I certainly have no desire to replicate their battles in finding success in the real estate development world! Continue reading “What Can “Wild West” Movies Can Teach Us About Real Estate Development?”