THE 7 Steps YOU Need to Follow to Successfully Find Fantastic Real Estate Deals

Being able to quickly and effectively find fantastic (when I say fantastic, I mean PROFITABLE!) real estate deals is a key skill that YOU will need to develop if you are to become a successful investor.

This series of brief posts aims to give you the 7 fundamental steps that you need to master in order to consistently source great deals and earn fantastic profits.

I know you’re excited about getting started, so I’m not going to keep you in suspense – the 7 Steps are listed for you right here!

For those of you who need more detail, I will expand on each of the key steps over coming posts, providing examples and details that should get you up and running.

The 7 Steps to Finding Profitable Real Estate Deals

  1. Identify your end product
  2. Identify areas where your end product is in demand
  3. Identify the real estate agents that sold these properties and make contact
  4. Identify and contact any real estate agents that currently have newish dwellings that are currently for sale in the area are similar to your end product
  5. Run reverse feasibility analysis on current listings or recent sales to determine the key numbers in the deal for you
  6. Begin your search for sites in the areas identified where the reverse feasibility numbers work
  7. Submit offers!

So there you have it – not too daunting is it? I am sure you would agree that anyone (yes, even YOU!) could master those simple steps. The real question will be “how important is it to you?”.

I love hearing about your success, so if anything on this site has helped you on your investing journey, or if you have questions, comments or feedback, please leave a comment!

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