Rich’s Approach to Financial Freedom and Life

Not sure how you got here, but you have found The Rich Approach. Not necessarily a fool-proof approach to riches (although that is my ultimate aim), but more a single approach that is being followed (rightly or wrongly) by a single person (me – Rich). It will primarily be investing, but also the personal growth required to be successful, with the occasional foray into other topics that interest me or that pop up in my life.

I have set up this website for a few reasons, some of which may still be unclear to me, so I won’t say that the following list is exhaustive, but it does reflect my current thinking (as always, I reserve the right to completely change my current thinking at any time : ) ) of how you could benefit from reading my writing, and how I feel I will also benefit from it:

Reasons for starting this blog:

  • To share the knowledge that I have gained over many years of working towards financial independence and freedom
  • To help out others who may also tread down this path to know that they are not the only one who has faced similar challenges to those that they may be encountering
  • To ensure that I understand what I think I know, so well that I can pass it on to others (that doesn’t read that well, but basically, I have found that teaching others is a great way of making sure you understand something really well yourself)
  • To capture my own learnings so that I can refer to them in future
  • In the hope of inspiring others to keep working towards their dreams

In addition, although my primary reasons for investing any time in this website are those listed above, I am also hoping to provide such enormous value to you that at some stage, I will be able to move into a teaching and mentoring role. Only time will tell if I am successful in providing this level of value to you, or whether what I have learned is valuable only to myself, either way, I am pretty confident I will grow enough as a person that I will consider this a success, even if you don’t!

In good marketing fashion, here are the answers to a few questions I should be answering in order to sell you on sticking with me:

What Am I Offering?

  • Follow my journey, including successes, losses, challenges and obstacles
  • Tips and tricks that I have learned and pitfalls I have encountered
  • Investing strategies that I have used for success (or otherwise)
  • A genuine willingness to help others reach their goals

How Much Will It Cost?

There is no charge for awesomeness, or the information I give you on this site. I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes though:

“You think education is expensive, try ignorance”

Not sure who originally said this, but it certainly rings true for me. If you are looking for education or mentoring, feel free to contact me, as I am happy to pass on details of the programs that I have found useful.

Why Should You Believe Me?

I have been working towards financial freedom for many years now – since before the birth of my first daughter. I don’t have an amazing rags to riches or back from bankruptcy story – I am just an average guy who got very tired of the work I was doing, and missing out on so much time with my young kids. I can’t get that time back, but one of my purposes is to ensure that I have great skills to pass on to my daughters as they grow up. I would like to ensure that they have the skills to be able to choose their path in life, without worrying about their financial security. I figure the best way for me to do this is to set a good example.

What’s In It For You?

Hard for me to answer this one, so I would love to hear from you if you have benefited from what I share. Hopefully you can use what I share in order to increase your personal satisfaction from life, and be inspired to live a life that you are passionate about and proud of.

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