
Rich’s Approach to Financial Freedom and Life

Not sure how you got here, but you have found The Rich Approach. Not necessarily a fool-proof approach to riches (although that is my ultimate aim), but more a single approach that is being followed (rightly or wrongly) by a single person (me – Rich). It will primarily be investing, but also the personal growth required to be successful, with the occasional foray into other topics that interest me or that pop up in my life. Continue reading “Rich’s Approach to Financial Freedom and Life”

Are You Keen to Automate Your Trading with Interactive Brokers?

Are you keen to automate your trading, but feel a little trapped as you use the powerful, but somewhat archaic looking Interactive Brokers (IBKR) Trader Workstation (TWS) trading platform?

Don’t give up hope, I may have the answer for you!

Continue reading “Are You Keen to Automate Your Trading with Interactive Brokers?”

Finding Real Estate Deals Step 2 – Identify Areas With Good Demand

So in an earlier post, I outlined the 7 Steps you can follow to find great real estate deals, but the devil is always in the detail. Having been through Step 1 – “Identify Your End Product”, we are now onto Step 2 – “Identify Areas Where Your End Product Is In Demand”. Read on for a blow by blow account of how you can apply this step! Continue reading “Finding Real Estate Deals Step 2 – Identify Areas With Good Demand”

Finding Real Estate Deals Step 1 – Identify your End Product

So in an earlier post, I outlined the 7 Steps you can follow to find great real estate deals, but the devil is always in the detail, so today we attack Step 1 – “Identify your End Product”. Read on for a blow by blow account of how you can apply this step! Continue reading “Finding Real Estate Deals Step 1 – Identify your End Product”

THE 7 Steps YOU Need to Follow to Successfully Find Fantastic Real Estate Deals

Being able to quickly and effectively find fantastic (when I say fantastic, I mean PROFITABLE!) real estate deals is a key skill that YOU will need to develop if you are to become a successful investor.

This series of brief posts aims to give you the 7 fundamental steps that you need to master in order to consistently source great deals and earn fantastic profits. Continue reading “THE 7 Steps YOU Need to Follow to Successfully Find Fantastic Real Estate Deals”

Don’t Buy a Real Estate Development Site Until You Have Done This!

“If you build it, they will come!”

So goes the popular movie saying, and if only it were that easy in the real estate development world! Sadly, many people think that it is this easy, but many of these have come to a sticky end with their development deals.

So if this approach doesn’t work, how should you approach real estate development deals to ensure you have the best chance of success?

One approach that I have used successfully is to take a “reverse engineering” approach. Continue reading “Don’t Buy a Real Estate Development Site Until You Have Done This!”

What Can “Wild West” Movies Can Teach Us About Real Estate Development?

Don’t be a Pioneer!

If you’ve ever watched a good old fashioned American Wild West movie, you will no doubt be familiar with the brave pioneers who set out across the vast interior of America in a bid to make their fortune or to find a bit of land to call their own. The movies are full of tales of struggle against all manner of difficulties and overcoming incredible adversity before (generally) finding success and a new life.

Whilst I admire these pioneers for their spirit of adventure, their strength and courage to overcome the difficulties they face, I certainly have no desire to replicate their battles in finding success in the real estate development world! Continue reading “What Can “Wild West” Movies Can Teach Us About Real Estate Development?”

Buy and Hold Strategy

Buy and Hold – 10 Second Overview

Probably the most widely used real estate strategy is the long term “buy and hold” strategy. The strategy involves buying a property with the aim of holding on to it for the long term (often many years) in the hope of capital gain. Holding costs can be offset by rental income, and depending on the tax laws, there may also be taxation benefits gained by negative gearing. Continue reading “Buy and Hold Strategy”